Our Motivation

Our reason for being are the patients and that is why GLOBAL-TEC raises to a high level of priority the relationship with all the stakeholders in the health field

Our Commitment

We are committed to acting in a transparent, honest and responsible manner towards our patients, clients, suppliers and strategic allies.


Gglobal-tec is your strategic ally of choice for:




GLOBAL-TEC has a wide experience in regulatory processes, marketing, positioning, access to government...

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Medical Devices

GLOBAL-TEC high specialty medicines and technologies portfolio is appropriately complemented with affined...

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Consulting and Services

As Strategic Ally GLOBAL-TEC provides to its partners different support activities...

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About Us

we are a company focused on offering solutions that improve the health of patients with conditions of risk or deterioration in their quality of life. GLOBAL-TEC directs all its efforts in establishing strategic alliances with companies that offer advanced, safe and proven therapeutic solutions.


Our reason for being are the patients and that is why GLOBAL-TEC raises to a high level of priority the relationship with all the stakeholders in the health field, such as doctors, payers, medical-scientific associations and associations of patients, framing this relationship within the highest standards of ethics, transparency and respect.

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Ethics: at global-tec colombia we are committed to our organizational culture framed in principles of morality, integrity and transparency...

Commitment: we are committed to acting in a transparent, honest and responsible manner towards our patients, clients, suppliers, strategic...

Accountability: all entrepreneurial activity and business initiative entails a non-delegable responsibility...

Sense of urgency: all tasks, commitments and agreements with our strategic allies, all stakeholders and direct and indirect...